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National Women Cycle Forum -March 20th, 2012


Women still cycle at much lower rates than men in the United States — making up just 24 percent of bike trips in 2009. But that trend is shifting. A growing number of women from all backgrounds and communities are starting to ride and getting more involved in the movement. We’re eager to learn from our peers, share our experiences and explore ideas to engage more women.

The National Women’s Cycling Forum will provide an opportunity to do just that.

This national forum will provide insight from a diverse panel of women in bicycle advocacy, engineering, government and industry. It will foster collective discussion about best practices, creative ideas and potential next steps in addressing this gender gap at a national and local level. Hosted by the Alliance for Biking & Walking and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, this event will invite input on the Women Cycling Project — a joint effort to create an online presence for women advocates and cyclists.

This event (open to ALL interested attendees) will be held in conjunction with the 2012 National Bike Summit — and your presence at this annual event has never been more important. Congress is making important and long-lasting decisions about the next federal transportation bill and women's voices and stories are essential to preserving billions in funding for bicycling projects and programs across the country.

Register for the Bike Summit and make sure your travel plans include the National Women Cycling Forum. Be sure to sign up for the Forum so you get all the exciting details over coming weeks.
